New PCF’s instruments with TCD Detector

PCF Elettronica has recently developed a new TCD (Thermo Conductivity Detector) detector, which is added to the well-known and appreciated FID (Flame Ionization Detector) and PID (Photo Ionization Detector) detectors.

TCD schematics
For the time being, the new detector is mounted on our industrial gas chromatograph Mod. 529/NR/TCD, for very specific applications in the field of food gases and fermentation products, in particular: Methane in Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Dioxide in Methane.
The small and compact industrial gas chromatograph was initially designed for specific applications requested by customers, especially those operating in the pure gas sector and those producing gases for food and automotive use.

It is to
these sectors that our interest is initially directed, but future applications
in other niche sectors of the market are not excluded.
The analysis is based on chromatography with a very reliable and stable TCD
detector over time.
It will compete with NDIR (Non Dispersive Infrared) type analyzers with obvious
advantages compared to the latter: greater selectivity, wider active range and
low maintenance. Where the TCD yields to the NDRI is in the speed of response,
as the gas chromatographic technique is discrete sampling and provides for a
slight delay for the separation in the column. For these measurements, a
special gas chromatographic column is inserted in Mod. 529/NR/TCD; the analysis
cycle involves a single injection of sample and is contained in a total of 180
s, between separation and back flash, which is essential to free other
interfering compounds.
According to the 'philosophy' of PCF Elettronica, the new instrument Mod. 529/NR/TCD will be particularly appreciated for its fundamental characteristics: ease of use, data interpretation, maintenance and for the great reliability over time of the TCD detector, designed inside the PCF and, as for the other components of our design, with particular care in the construction and testing phase before its installation.

The system:
The system for measuring Methane in Carbon Dioxide or Carbon Dioxide in Methane consists of:
No. 1 Industrial gas sampling probe. No. 1 Sampling line, kept short to reduce downtime. No. 1 Mod. 529/NR/TCD, configured for the specific measurement of Methane in Carbon Dioxide or Carbon Dioxide in Methane:
- Measurement range 0-10,000 ppm (about 1%).
- Eight measuring scales positioned in the customer-specific field.
- Sensitivity: 1% of the selected Full Scale.
- Zero drift, compensated at the beginning of each measurement cycle.
- Interferences, nil, because cut by the chromatographic separation.
- Automatic measurement cycle: 180 s .
- 8 x analog (0- 1 Vdc and/or 4- 20 mA) and serial (RS-232) outputs.
- 19" rack mounting.
No. 1 Carrier and reference gas: Nitrogen, Helium or Pure Air.
No. 1 Calibration gas cylinder.

PCF Elettronica is normally not only chosen for the competitiveness of its prices, but, above all, for its willingness to meet the specific needs of the customer and for the attentive after-sales assistance.